MACAN's 5/8/19 webinar, “The Ocean Acidification Data Stewardship (OADS) and the Ocean Carbon Data System (OCADS) Projects," was presented by Liqing Jiang, a chemical oceanographer at NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and associate research scientist at the University of Maryland.
OADS was established in 2012 with funding from NOAA's Ocean Acidification Program (OAP). It features rich metadata management and covers all types of ocean acidification data, including chemical, biological, model output, etc. Currently, it only serves data producers from NOAA/OAP funded projects investigators only. OCADS was created in 2016 as NOAA’s replacement for the Ocean component of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC-Oceans, Oak Ridge National Laboratory) which was closed on September 2016.
OCADS is focused on inorganic ocean carbon data only, but its audience is much broader. OCADS serves data producers from the entire international ocean carbon community. Both OADS and OCADS leverage the data management infrastructure at NCEI and at the same time maintain their own rich metadata management system to
- to help their PIs to meet their data management requirements, including the NOAA Public Access for Research Results (PARR)
- to help advance research towards the better understanding of Global Climate Change and Ocean Acidification.
Data access for both of the projects is provided through a newly established Ocean Carbon and Acidification Portal, which allows users to discover OA data from the entire NCEI's ocean archive. In addition, some synthesis results on the global distribution of pH and calcium carbonate saturation states were presented.