Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), including eelgrass, provide vital coastal habitat. SAV may benefit from increasing CO₂ and even locally elevate pH, but SAV species still face other climate and human-caused threats.


Species Role

The extensive system of bays, barrier islands, and shallow coastal lagoons of the Mid-Atlantic region provide important habitat for both fresh and saltwater vascular plants, collectively known as submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV).

SAV are shallow-water ecosystem engineers that modify their physical and chemical environment as they grow. In doing so, they provide many ecosystem services:

  • Act as essential nursery habitat and feeding grounds for marine species
  • Stabilize and accrue sediments
  • Reduce wave action and shoreline erosion
  • Absorb excess nutrients and CO2
  • Oxygenate the surrounding water


Batiuk, R. A., Bergstrom, P., Karrh, L., Naylor, M., Wilcox, D., Moore, K. A., Kemp, M., Koch, E., Murray, L., Stevenson, J. C., Bartleson, R., Ailstock, S., Teichberg, M., Carter, V., Rybicki, N. B., Landwehr, J. M., & Gallegos, C. (2000). Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Water Quality and Habitat-Based Requirements and Restoration Targets: A Second Synthesis.

Invers, O., Zimmerman, R. C., Alberte, R. S., Pérez, M., & Romero, J. (2001). Inorganic carbon sources for seagrass photosynthesis: An experimental evaluation of bicarbonate use in species inhabiting temperate waters. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 265(2), 203–217.

Lloyd, N. D. H., Canvin, D. T., & Bristow, J. M. (1977). Photosynthesis and photorespiration in submerged aquatic vascular plants. Canadian Journal of Botany, 55(24), 3001–3005.

Moore, K. A., & Jarvis, J. C. (2008). Environmental Factors Affecting Recent Summertime Eelgrass Diebacks in the Lower Chesapeake Bay: Implications for Long-term Persistence. Journal of Coastal Research, 10055, 135–147.

Orth, R. J., Luckenbach, M. L., Marion, S. R., Moore, K. A., & Wilcox, D. J. (2006). Seagrass recovery in the Delmarva Coastal Bays, USA. Aquatic Botany, 84(1), 26–36.

Zimmerman, R. C., Hill, V. J., & Gallegos, C. L. (2015). Predicting effects of ocean warming, acidification, and water quality on Chesapeake region eelgrass. Limnology and Oceanography, 60(5), 1781–1804.

Zimmerman, R. C., Kohrs, D. G., Steller, D. L., & Alberte, R. S. (1997). Impacts of CO2 Enrichment on Productivity and Light Requirements of Eelgrass. Plant Physiology, 115(2), 599–607.

Zimmerman, R., Hill, V., Jinuntuya, M., Celebi, B., Ruble, D., Smith, M., Cedeno, T., & Swingle, W. (2017). Experimental impacts of climate warming and ocean carbonation on eelgrass Zostera marina. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 566, 1–15.

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