In 2009, Congress passed the Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring (FOARAM) Act, which required an interagency working group to create a Strategic Plan for Federal Research and Monitoring of Ocean Acidification. The reauthorization of FOARAM in 2022 strengthened investments in acidification research, monitoring, and improving understanding of socioeconomic impacts. Regional consortia like MACAN, New England’s NECAN, and the Southeast Atlantic’s SOCAN have formed throughout the country to focus on acidification in their respective territories.
The Maryland Task Force was charged with analyzing the best available science and the potential effects of acidification on ecology to make recommendations for potential strategies to mitigate the effects of acidification in state waters and fisheries. In 2015, the Maryland Task Force produced the Task Force to Study the Impact of Ocean Acidification on State Waters Report for the Governor and the Maryland General Assembly calling for monitoring, industry partnerships and collaboration with federal agencies to address the threat.
New York’s Ocean Acidification Task Force was charged with addressing the impacts of ocean acidification to coastal waters, identifying factors that contribute to acidification, and recommending actions to address negative impacts. Their 2023 report, Ocean Acidification: Its Causes, Impacts, and Mitigation; A Report to the New York State Legislature, recognizes the
cross-cutting nature of ocean acidification with climate, ocean and marine science priorities and lays out five pillars of actions, spanning research, education, engagement, and legislation, to mitigate and minimize the impacts in NY’s marine waters.
After joining the OA Alliance in 2021, New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection created an OA Team and initiated a comprehensive suite of research, policy analysis, and stakeholder engagement strategies to develop recommendations for a statewide monitoring network and a comprehensive Ocean Acidification (OA) Action Plan.
Acidification will continue to influence all areas of the Mid-Atlantic, from its tidal estuaries to deep sea ecosystems. The cooler, less salty waters of the upper Mid-Atlantic are particularly susceptible to ocean acidification, making reductions in the survival, calcification, growth, development, and abundance of marine organisms more likely. The organisms impacted most negatively and directly will likely be calcified algae, corals, mollusks, and echinoderms. Crustaceans, fleshy algae, seagrasses, and diatoms may be less directly affected or may even benefit from acidification. Even still, questions regarding food web impacts that may indirectly negatively impact all species remain.
The “Ghost Ship fleet” of Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary is one such resource. Anticipating damage to metal structures on the ships and other potential impacts, sanctuary managers are beginning to address climate change through their sanctuary management plans. As outlined in the report, Climate Change Impacts: Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary, strong partnerships between NOAA, the state of Maryland, and local organizations have been key to establishing a water monitoring network and supporting research on acidification and other climate stressors.
Combating Acidification Won’t Be Easy, But Scientists, Governments, and NGOs Are Working to Identify Approaches to Help
Changing behavior and advancing technologies to decrease the carbon dioxide that causes acidification.
Taking steps to lessen the acidity of water, such as planting eelgrasses that take up carbon dioxide.
Making changes in response to the symptoms of acidification, such as breeding shellfish that are more resistant to acidified waters.
Innovative Ideas for Mitigation, Remediation, and Adaptation of Acidified Waters Will Continue to Evolve
The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network. All Rights Reserved.
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