
about macan

A collaborative team committed to addressing the pressing environmental issue of coastal acidification in our region.
Who We Are
The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN) is comprised of scientists, tribal representatives, federal and state agency officials, NGOs, resource managers, educators, and industry partners.
View macan's 2024-2028 work plan



Unite and direct efforts in observing, researching, and modeling coastal and ocean acidification within the Mid-Atlantic region.

Where We Work

Our Core Functions

At the heart of MACAN's purpose lies a commitment to understanding, predicting, and mitigating the impact of acidification on our oceans and coastal ecosystems.

Enhance Understanding

MACAN seeks to deepen our knowledge of estuarine, coastal, and ocean acidification processes.

Predict Consequences

We work to predict the consequences of acidification for marine resources, ecosystems, and communities.

Enable Adaptation

MACAN assists communities and marine-based industries in preparing for and adapting to the challenges posed by acidification.

Why It Matters
The Mid-Atlantic's ecological and economic well-being is intrinsically linked to the health of our coastal waters.

Biodiversity Hub

The Mid-Atlantic is home to vital shellfish habitats and migratory fish populations that sustain economically valuable commercial and recreational fisheries. Acidification threatens these ecosystems and, in turn, our economy.

Urbanization and Acidification

Moreover, nutrient runoff from the region's densely populated and urban coastal areas exacerbates acidification in our estuaries and coastal waters.

A National Endeavor

MACAN is part of a nationwide effort to combat coastal and ocean acidification. It operates under the coordination of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System (MARACOOS) and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO).

MACAN is one of seven coastal regional acidification networks in the United States.

MACAN is coordinated by:

Get Involved

If you are interested in learning more about MACAN and the work we do, please sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also read our 2024 to 2028 Work Plan.

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The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network. All Rights Reserved.

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