
tackling the challenges of Ocean Acidification in the Mid-Atlantic Region, together.

About Us
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Why Ocean Acidification is Important

Ocean Acidification (OA) is a pressing environmental concern that affects not just the health of our oceans, but also the livelihoods of millions of people who depend on marine life for food, jobs, and cultural heritage. 

What We Do

MACAN aims to enhance our understanding of the processes of estuarine, coastal, and ocean acidification.

Who It Impacts

Our work assists scientists, tribal, federal, and state agency representatives, resource managers, industry partners, and affected communities and industries in the Mid-Atlantic region, to prepare and adapt to the consequences of ocean and coastal acidification.

Why It Matters

Together, we can work towards a future where our oceans are healthy, our fisheries thrive, and our coastal communities are resilient to the impacts of ocean acidification.

How Acidification Affects Our Marine Species

New in Ocean Acidification

We empower our community with the knowledge and tools to address the critical environmental issue of ocean acidification.

MACAN is dedicated to advancing scientific research, promoting public engagement, and fostering industry outreach on coastal and ocean acidification. We work closely with local governments, educational institutions, and industry leaders to develop and implement strategies that protect our marine environments. Our efforts span from monitoring the current state of our oceans to developing action plans for mitigation and adaptation.

Explore Our Work

Get Involved

If you are interested in learning more about MACAN and the work we do, please sign up for our monthly newsletter. You can also read our 2024 to 2028 Work Plan.

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The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network. All Rights Reserved.

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